Sunday, October 9, 2011


It's been a busy week, so I apologize for not getting something up on the blog sooner. I have been thinking a lot about creative ways to meet and reach people who don't run in our "church" circles. One of the biggest obstacles to evangelism is the fact that churches encourage new believers to sever ties to friends who are a negative influence on their "purity." Thankfully, there's a growing number of churches that are repenting of this approach to discipleship. However, the truth remains that most Christians are insulated and isolated from their mission context.

So here's what a group of young people in the south started doing to get themselves outside of their bubble. It is a way to meet people they would never meet otherwise. It's also a way to meet them naturally and, in a tangible way, to demonstrate love and acceptance. I especially like how one of the "clients" refers to the evangelists as his "friends." And this program, called "Laundry Love" is spreading all over the country. Very nice!

One more quick point: This is a bridging strategy, not evangelization. While it demonstrates love, it is not a replacement for sharing the truth of the Gospel. People still need to know the sovereignty of God, the depth of their rebellion and its cost, and especially the grace found in Jesus. So, watch the video for ideas on how to build bridges to people who need to hear about God's grace. Then, reflect deeply on how His grace has changed you into His ambassador of reconciliation, and then grab a group of friends and get busy.

1 comment:

  1. I was so touched by this. All of these sweet people, some who've gotten lemons in life and have never recovered.. God is moulding and shaping my heart to love people, especially those who are different than me. Beautiful story of an awesome ministry.. I love how it's not overtly religious, evangelistic, etc.. It's just people loving people..


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