Monday, August 26, 2013

Safe to Get Back in the Water

Well, I took quite a while off blogging. I did this for a couple reasons. First, folks were reading into my posts about specific circumstances despite the fact that I talk about general issues. While I can't stop that (and hope that people actually take biblical principles and measure their specific circumstances against those standards), I thought it best to lay low until the dust could settle. But also, there was an individual who was obsessed with my blog, checking it 3x each week. This behavior lasted for months after I suspended posting. It seems that he/she hasn't returned in quite a while now, so perhaps it's safe to get back in the blogging swing. My hope is that this space will help you to think deeply about our calling as Christ's representatives in the world, that deep reflection will lead to conviction, repentance and change if warranted, and that the Kingdom of God would expand in influence in your corner of this world.

Grace and Peace in Christ Jesus!

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I trust that the comments you wish to share are intended for building up the Body of Christ. Thanks for participating. Steve