Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tough Times? Reflect and Refresh...

Well, the hits on this blog have been thru the roof over the last week. No doubt, people who were less-than-patient with waiting for the church letter about Scott were searching for clues. No doubt, they thought they found lots. They may have. This something that Grace Leadership has been living for months.

Of course, you've probably been wondering why things have gone silent. Maybe you have received and read your church letter by now and can begin to appreciate why. It's not for lack of effort. I have written a half dozen posts since the last one, but the time was not right to post them.

When I'm in a tough time, I go to something familiar, especially if there are fond memories associated with it. This week, I stumbled upon a video of a couple that I did ministry with at my previous church. I was overcome with a flood of warm emotions, something the Lord knew I needed at the time.

While I'm not ready to start really blogging again, I wanted to share the clip with you. Who knows? Maybe I can convince Jeff and Vangie that they need to take a trip to Lancaster County. Maybe they would like to try Shoo-fly Pie or Whoopie Pies. And maybe they would help us learn that when we cry out to our Lord, it is right and beautiful. He is our only hope. All else will disappoint...

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What an awesome song! It really helps me to put things in perspective...after all prayer is what it's all about. Prayer does change things. Right now our congregation needs a lot of prayer...but sometimes it's really hard. I want answers right away, and God doesn't work that I need lessons in patience. I have to say I was a little insulted at first by the way you started out your blog referring to people who were "less then patient"...but it is true. Most of us don't want to wait for answers or explanations...we want the info now! But just as we know that God doesn't answer prayer right away for our own good...that also is the reason we didn't get an immediate answer about Pastor Scott's resignation. Forgive us for our impatience! Thanks, Deb Brown


I trust that the comments you wish to share are intended for building up the Body of Christ. Thanks for participating. Steve