Tuesday, August 17, 2010

CONNECT: Event or Lifestyle (Pt 2)

Years ago, I used to have quite the addiction to soda, especially colas. And I was a connoisseur! Oh yeah. I could tell the difference between Pepsi and Coke! Pepsi is hands-down better. But better still is RC!

But then I realized that I was putting on a pound or two. I know that none of you have ever experienced that. It’s just me. I was bulking up. So I decided to drink diet cola. Now, I know that there are quite a few folks out there who made that switch successfully, but I couldn’t do it. The artificial sweeteners left a horrible taste in my mouth. It was so bad that I decided that I would rather drink less soda and get a really good one than to compromise on taste to consume gallons.

That’s similar to the difference between Relationship and Fellowship. Fellowship is the real thing while Relationship is something that we settle for to quench our thirst. Our relationships are usually pretty surfacy. We have relationships with neighbors, co-workers, friends, and even family. But Fellowship is something special, like Relationship on steroids!

Biblical Fellowship is something created by the Spirit of God. “Kononia” comes from a group of words meaning “something in common.” The Greek dialect in which the New Testament was written is called “Koine” Greek, because it was the common language of empire of Alexander the Great. It was the means of universally conducting business among the various ethnic groups across the kingdom. And “Kononia” literally means “communion with, participation in, or sharing together.” And the Christian experience is inherently communal. When you are saved from God’s wrath, you are saved unto the church.

But we settle for Relationship even when it comes to our faith. How many people, when asked where they experience “communion,” would say “At church!”? But this betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of the richness of the word. Biblically, Sunday morning is “ekklesia,” the word we translate “church” but which literally means “gathering.” At Grace, a few times each year we have a special service which we call “Communion Service.” At that time, we usually share the Bread and Cup, footwashing, and a love-feast. All of these activities hold in common the person and work of Jesus. We have Fellowship with one another because we share in Him.

And the reason that I say we settle for Relationship is that the number of people attending our Communion Service is a mere fraction of those who gather on Sunday morning. That’s because we have convinced ourselves that the relationships of Sunday morning are as good as it gets, God’s very best for us. It’s a knock-off!

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t gather on Sunday morning. We are instructed to gather as God’s people, to come together in His presence and to sing His praises. We are to hear the preaching of the Word. But, we probably won’t find Fellowship on Sunday morning. More likely, we will bring Fellowship into the Sunday gathering.

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