Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Get Naked!!!

A couple weeks ago, we heard a message from Pastor Scott on Intimacy from the story of Enoch found in Genesis 5. I wanted to take the opportunity of that story to talk a little more about Intimacy.

In the passage, it said that “Enoch walked with God” (vv.22, 24). This is the second time in Genesis where we read about God walking around. Can you guess where the first time is? It’s Genesis 3, the story of the Fall.

It says that Adam and Eve heard God walking in the garden during the cool of the day (3:8). The idea behind the Hebrew word for walking (halak), which literally means “walking around” is the idea of “living out one’s life.” We would say “doing life” or, in CONNECT Ministry, “how you roll.” And since Adam and Eve recognized the walking about of the Lord in the garden, it’s pretty clear that walking about with Him was a big part of their life before they met a serpent and an opportunity to doubt God.

Before the Fall, Adam and Eve were described as “both naked and unashamed” (Genesis 2:25). But, once “their eyes were opened” (3:7), they covered and hid themselves in shame. So, life before the Fall could be characterized as walking naked with God.

Fastforward back to Enoch who walked with God. This is the picture of Intimacy that we get from the context of Genesis. The life that was pleasing to the Lord was the one that walked with Him in nakedness. There was nothing coming between Enoch and the Lord. There was nothing to hide. There was openness and transparency.

Now take a look around you. Look at the folks in your church. And the ones in your small group. And the ones in your family. I’m just betting that they are covered. They are covering their shame even as they are covering their nakedness. And I’m willing to bet that they are covering up before the Lord also. These are all signs of the curse!

So, get naked! Start with the Lord. Share your deep, ugly secrets. Open up to Him the dark places in your heart. Will they shock Him? Will they surprise Him? Of course not! He sees them all anyway! And He wants you to bring them before Him. But here’s the really scary part: He wants you to do that in Christian community also. Because you cannot have Intimacy with God and not with His people, the Body of Christ.

Start small, but get real. This is when groups really start to see life transformation. Because, guess what? We all have marks of the Fall in our life. And God has decreed that we would work all that out in redemptive community. So start by uncovering your feet. I bet they’re like mine and could use a cleansing.

Get intimate! Get real! Get naked! And ROLL!!!


  1. Pastor Steve,

    Love the post! Only you would tell people to get naked and roll !!!

  2. Thnx, Anonymous. Pastor Doug and I have had a few laughs with this idea over the past couple days. It's good to have fun while we challenge one another toward real life transformation.


I trust that the comments you wish to share are intended for building up the Body of Christ. Thanks for participating. Steve