Monday, May 17, 2010

The Question of Studies - DVD Curricula

What does your group do about your study time together? A DVD curriculum? Study Guide? The Bible? A Christian book? Something else? Nothing? Maybe you have a preference. I want to take a couple blog posts and explain how to use the first few of these options.

Right now, our groups are involved in one of two DVD curricula on Serving. We are getting mixed feedback on DVD studies so I want to explain two strengths of them.

DVD studies are perfect for the leader who isn’t, or doesn’t feel, “qualified” to lead a discussion. The “teaching” is all delivered by the expert in the video. So, leading a group is simple: you open your home to a bunch of people, serve them some goodies and coffee, and pop in the DVD. Especially for exposing potential new leaders to the role, DVD curricula cannot be beat!

As many of our groups have discovered, other items can be packaged with the study. In the current materials, there are worship songs and biblical commentaries on the passages being discussed. I have heard very positive feedback from two of our groups who tried out the worship tracks. While they admitted that they were cautious going into that endeavor, they both said that it was a great experience to worship together as a small group.

For those of you who don’t care for the DVD approach, the current Serving studies can be done without the video. So, tailor the DVD approach to your group’s needs and preferences! The point of your time together is to engage in discussion around the biblical content and to commit to appropriate responses which demonstrate faithfulness to God.

Next, Study Guides……

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