Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Foundations – Baptism

OK, I admit it. I’m a sucker for Baptisms. The main reason is probably that the Baptism Ministry was my first ministry exposure and it truly launched my life onto a completely new trajectory. See, I didn’t realize what discipleship was all about, but I learned about it as I served in the Baptism Ministry.

I saw lives that were being radically transformed by the power of God through the Gospel of Grace. Some people coming to the pool were at the highest highs, because God had miraculously intervened and they truly felt the freedom of forgiveness of sins and His immeasurable love. Others were trusting that He would rescue them from the dark pit of their despair, putting their hope in Him to be faithful and true even when they felt their weakest. I used to tell my mentor that I could feel the spiritual energy around the Baptistery. I was reminded of how I had cried out to God for rescue. I also remembered how He had made His presence known to me in very tangible ways, breaking through my engineer’s skepticism and showing me that we was not the fabrication of feeble, powerless, pathetic creatures. No, He was and is and will always be exactly who He has revealed Himself to be in His Word, and I fed off of that experience in the lives of others.

But Baptism is also the beginning of our journey of obedience. Christ didn’t command His church to “make converts,” but rather to “make disciples” and to engage in “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). Since we don’t and can’t do anything to provide for our salvation, our part becomes seeking faithfulness in our walk with Christ. The evangelistic cry from Acts is repeatedly, “Repent and be baptized.” Our immediate response to God’s calling isn’t church attendance, classes, or even Bible study, but Baptism. That’s the first step! So how is it that there are so many people who claim to have given themselves fully to the Lord, yet they haven’t been baptized, maybe even years later? What will they say when their works are passed through the fire and the Lord says, “Hmmm, was it simply an oversight, or why haven’t you done the most simple thing I asked of you?” Don’t read this wrong. Baptism doesn’t save you. But, what does it say about the condition of your heart if you are unwilling to take even the very first step of obedience.

What do you think, what do you feel when you hear the word “Baptism?” How about when you see a Baptism? Do you get excited for what God is doing in the lives of others? Does it spur you on in your walk of faith, challenging you to take your own next step, whatever that might be? Is it Baptism? It’s not too late. We’re baptizing dozens of folks this Sunday, March 21. Let me know that you’ve decided that the wait is over and you’re ready to follow after the Lord. Pop me an email today (scburghart@meetgrace.org). And, if you don’t remember what Baptism is like, watch this video…


  1. That video was Awesome....I cried while watching it. It's just so exciting to me to see people get baptized and to see their reactions and to know that this is bringing them one step closer to obedience to God. I can't wait until one day when I witness my own two daughters getting baptized...what a Wonderful Day That Will Be!!!

    Deb Brown

  2. Yes, indeed, Deb. Keep praying for your daughters and witness to them in word and deed. They're watching you to see what God is like. Humbling thought. Blessings...


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