Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Eight Reasons to Join a CONNECT Group (part one)

We're looking this week at Eight Reasons to Join a CONNECT Group. Here are the Reasons #1 & #2:

1. You will understand the Bible better in a small group.
There are many different learning styles. Some learn best by reading, others by doing. Some prefer hearing, and still others desire a discussion or even debate. The truth is that we learn best when these different approaches are all at work. Have you ever listened to a Bible teacher or preacher and wanted to stop that person and say, “But what about...?” or “I don’t understand”? That’s because, in order to truly learn, to be transformed by the content that is presented, you need to engage the information and then act upon it. In a small group setting, you can ask questions, participate in a discussion of the text, and hear others share insights and illustrations of the truth which you are trying to grasp. Finally, a group of believers if far more likely to act upon God’s instruction than an individual; somebody is bound to rise up as the encourager who will move the group to action. The purpose of Bible study is to produce life transformation, and that happens best in a CONNECT group.

One of our groups, spurred to action by the Acts study, Session 5: Devoted to the Word, began daily reading of the Word with email interaction. Read the reaction of one member to this group exercise:

You know I probably have read these chapters before But I will say that I feel like I am reading new stuff that I have never heard before. I guess that is an admission of sorts that I really don't delve deeply into The Word very much. This has been very good for me and I'm pumped that we decided to do this. I do have to admit that this is hard me, I've never been someone to really sit and ponder on a passage. I like to grab one thing out of the scripture and apply that to my life. I am enjoying hearing what you guys are saying regarding each chapter, it has definitely been a blessing and a highlight of my day. Pray for a spirit of receptiveness, that I hear all that God says through these chapters.

2. You will begin to really feel like you’re part of God’s family.
Most people who have been a part of a CONNECT group say the greatest benefit is the close relationships and friendships that develop. They will frequently call each other during the week to share urgent prayer requests or exciting news. You’ll discover that your needs and problems are not unique – we’re all in the same boat. It helps to know that others are facing the same difficulties, or have lived through them and learned spiritual principles in the process. God describes the church as His family and asks us to carry one another’s burdens. Hopefully you were at church during Vision Month when one of our group leaders shared his story. He has been a believer in Christ for decades and part of Grace church for years. However, because of his experience in a CONNECT group, he is wondering why he had been settling for something far less than God has planned for all of His children. We’re created for community!

More tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I find reason number 1 to be especially true. It really helps me to vocalize with others out loud to fully grasp the meaning of scripture.


I trust that the comments you wish to share are intended for building up the Body of Christ. Thanks for participating. Steve