Thursday, June 30, 2011

Is Porn Really a Big Deal?

OK, this is not what I was going to blog on today. I feel like Jude when he was preparing to address the church and then was redirected concerning his topic. In saying that, please don't hear that I think my blog is inspired text. I just believe that the Lord placed it on my heart to share on this topic...

Pornography is a huge issue in America, both outside and inside the church. And I have found that it is more common in the church than anyone would guess. That's for two reasons: 1) It's a "secret sin" and unless you get caught it probably won't be found out until it works its way out in other areas of your life; and 2) We keep it secret because the church generally responds with rejection and distance when someone shares that they are struggling in this area.

Breaking the captivity of addictive behavior, like pronography, was the topic I had planned for today. That will have to wait for another day. Today, I just want to show you the threat and impact of pronography. The link (below) will take you to a secular website; this is not hyped-up Christian rhetoric. Porn is a serious problem. I have linked this page rather than posting it here because I know that some who read this blog are very sensitive to issues like this. Please know that there isn't any pornographic material or language at that site. Finally, don't think that this only affects "other" people. This is an issue in your church, your local school, and maybe even in your own home. Especially if you struggle in this area, click through and read the stats. Then, find someone safe to talk to.

Friday, June 24, 2011

God's Will

I’ve heard it many times. I don’t think I’ll stop hearing it until I go to glory. “How do I determine God’s will for my life?” Anyone who is sensitive to the Lordship of Christ must ask this question. But what is the answer? How do you know?

Well, there is the general answer, the call to obedience and faithfulness. It includes the responsibility to grow in faith and understanding, to become more like Christ Himself. Certainly that includes a holiness component, but being like Christ is more than that. If the purpose of our life was sinlessness, God would be cruel in leaving us here to do something we will never be able to do. Rather, He should just take us Home and seal us in a glorified state. But He doesn’t.

Therefore, it’s clear that He leaves us here for more than that. Generally speaking, that reason is to be like Christ by accepting His commission to be engaged in Kingdom work.

OK, in over 10 years of counseling in this area, I haven’t met a single person who was looking for that general answer (they get it anyway, because we all need to be reminded of it). Instead, they want to know what the Lord wants them to do here and now in these specific circumstances. While the circumstances vary tremendously, the answer is the same. Ready?

How does Scripture bear directly on your circumstances? This is defaulting back to God’s general will for your life. Will your decision bring you in line with His general will or derail you? Is this a decision for or against holiness as defined by God, not by the culture or anyone else? Scripture is your first rule.

Has God given you direction in the past? Sometimes, we follow God’s direction and then things go horribly wrong, at least from our perspective. Remember that circumstances never trump God’s direction. If you’re sure that you were following His guidance before you got into the mess, and if He chooses to be silent in your suffering, then He wants you to continue to follow His instructions. This is a time for perseverance.

Is God speaking to you now? Again, don’t assume that an opportunity that avails itself is a door that the Lord has opened. Many fall into sin this way. Others lose sight of their calling. If you are supposed to make a change, the Lord will make that clear to you. He does that by His Spirit working through His Word and in prayer and meditation, and He confirms that by His Spirit working through His people.

So, calm down and lean into Him. He can be trusted. You probably won’t get every last detail of how things will work out. You need to trust Him. Get into His Word. Pray fervently, asking Him to make your path clear. Involve trusted Christian friends, preferably not family (that’s another blog post). And then make your decision based up His guidance.

So, chocolate or strawberry ice cream? Hmmm. Lord? ;-)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Back on Mission...

Where is your head concerning "church" and "community or small group" and "mission" and "calling"? Are these things that you add to life if you have space to accommodate them? Are some just for certain people or should every Christ-follower understand all of them?

Here's a video I came across this morning and I wanted to share with any who might still be following this blog. I apologize for being silent for so long, but it seemed like the right thing to do for the sake of Christ's witness within my sphere. But now, it's time to get back on track, eh?

Remember that you can comment here on this blog or you can send me private messages at
